The Guy at the Bar: Notes from a father who lost a lot, but gained a little.
Adam Griffith
THE GUY AT THE BAR. His story goes well beyond the beer in front of him and the game on television. He has years of bumps, bruises, and scars from life’s left and right fist. He’s been tossed around, knocked down, and beat up. His story is not unique. It’s all of our stories. It’s the story of the human condition. At some point in life we’ve all been The Guy At The Bar - a little roughed up and broken, but presenting ourselves to the world with a beer in hand and smile on our face.
Author Adam Griffin was The Guy At The Bar during one of the worst things a human can go through—the loss of a child. This is his story. It’s not a story of death and despair however. It’s a story of persistent hope. It’s a story of finding the good piled well beneath the crap. And it’s a story of feeling the sunshine once again through far too many clouds. This is a book for the hurting. It’s a book for the healthy. It’s a book for anyone along for the ride above ground. It’s a book...for humans.

We never left you
Rick and Beth Olsen
After unspeakable tragedy, one couple must forge its own path to healing in the bittersweet true story, We Never Left You.
One moment, Beth and Rick Olsen were enjoying an ordinary life filled with all the joys and frustrations of raising their two children, Josh and Jessie. The next moment, a drunk driver plowed through a red light at eighty miles per hour, hitting their van and changing everything.
The death of both their children launched Beth and Rick down a long and winding path toward simple survival—and eventual healing. As shock gave way to the cruel reality of their loss, they began receiving messages that proved the existence of life after death—a welcome sign that aided them in moving forward.
The Olsens soon attempted traditional healing methods but quickly found that counseling did nothing to help them get a grasp on their monumental loss. They then turned to nontraditional approaches—a decision that led them to Peru. It was there they finally began to undergo the immense physical, mental, and emotional changes that allowed them to understand everything—including the accident—happens for a reason.

Permission to mourn: A new way to do grief
Tom Zuba
The death of someone we love cracks us open inviting us to become the person we were born to be. This is the book Tom Zuba wishes he had read after his daughter Erin died. And after his wife Trici died. It's the book he wishes he'd been handed following his son Rory's death. But Tom had to live it. First. Before he could write it. For you. In the beginning, Tom did grief the old way. Repressing, denying, pretending, numbing and stuffing every feeling and every emotion that arose. He created pain on top of pain until he began searching for a new way. A new way to do grief. Once he gave himself permission to mourn, healing began. Along the way, Tom discovered that: * Grief is not the enemy. Grief can be one of our greatest teachers. * It's the stories we tell that determine whether or not we will heal. * We will always have a relationship with the people we love that have died. * We were not born to suffer. We were born to be radiant. There is a new way to do grief. Let Tom Zuba teach you how.

Finding Davey: A Father's Search for His Son in the Afterlife
David Alison
How do you recover from the loss of a child?
When David Alison's son died in a car accident, he did what any other parent would likely do: spiral into extraordinary grief. Though the heartbreak he experienced was profound, he could not shake the feeling that his son, Davey, was still around and trying to communicate with him.
Could consciousness survive physical death? David's engineering background did not allow for that concept, yet those feelings remained.
In this story, David walks the reader through the experiences he had connecting with his son, the resources he found to satisfy the doubts from the left side of his brain, and the tools he used to create a new relationship with his son across the veil.

Once More We Saw Stars: A Memoir of Life and Love After Unimaginable Loss
Jayson Greene
Two-year-old Greta Greene is sitting chatting with her grandmother on a park bench in New York when a brick crumbles from a windowsill overhead and strikes her unconscious. As she is rushed to hospital in the hours before her death Once More We Stars leads us into the unimaginable.
Her father Jayson and mother Stacy begin a painful journey that is as much about hope and healing as it is grief and loss. Even in the midst of his ordeal, Jayson recognises that there will be a life for him beyond it - if he can only continue moving forward, from one moment to the next, he will survive what seems un-survivable. With raw honesty, deep emotion, and exquisite tenderness, he captures the fragility of life and the absoluteness of death, and most important of all, the unconquerable power of love.
This is an unforgettable memoir of courage and transformation - and a book that will change the way you look at the world.